Mexico's Slow-Going Shale Boom

Keith Kohl

Written By Keith Kohl

Posted June 15, 2015

Our neighbors to the south are poised to join in our love of shale producing! But they’ve got their work cut out for them in terms of preparation.

Mexico has an estimated 545 tillion cubic feet of shale natural gas reserves and 13 billion barrels of oil reserves. Unfortunately, their lack of previous investment into drilling technology and infrastructure leaves these fantastic numbers out of reach.

Mexico ShaleBut they’re working to fix that.

The state of Tamulipas is currently the forerunner in Mexican energy reform. They’re starting with educational reform, which will provide them with the high-level thinkers and skilled workers they will need to catch up with the U.S.

For the whole country, it is estimated that they will need 135,000 high-level experts, professionals, and technicians over the next four years. About 20% of those will need to be filled by people with college degrees, and the other 80% will need to be specialized technicians.

Already Mexico has sent workers to check out our shale drilling techniques, though this too is slowing them down since border patrol has some strict rules. But it’s a necessary hardship to go through to advance their own shale economy.

To keep reading…

Click here to read the Rigzone article.

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